(NPO) Multicultural Families Support Centre in Japan. ( 特定非営利活動法人「多文化家庭支援センター) Pending registration
  (NPO) Multicultural Families Support Centre in Japan. ( 特定非営利活動法人「多文化家庭支援センӟ
Looking for Volounteers
Chiaki ainsworth on 01/02/2009 at 12:05am (UTC)
 Asking volunteers to join the group helping homeless people New year meals on January 4th.

18years old and up only.

At Yokohama.

few people for cooking from 9:00am

few people for serving from 16:00

Chiaki will be there all day together working with you.

Please call Chiaki 080-5177-1051


Coming MCF Family Guidance Serminar
Chiaki on 12/30/2008 at 9:02am (UTC)

2009年 3月1日(日)9:30 〜 12:30

於: 三軒茶屋 オフィス

講座Ⅲ 『ペアレント トレーニング』


参加費 ¥500   会員—¥300

参加申し込み 西 ナンシー  090-2485-7053
エインズワース千明 080-5177-1051

Family Support Seminar

DATE; 2009年 3月1日(Sun)9:30 〜 12:30

PLACE: Sangenchaya Office

TOPIC; SeminarⅢ Parent Training
Text;- “Win the Whining War & Other Skirmishes”

FEE;-  Non member ¥500   Members —¥300

Call 1) Nancy Nishi 090-2485-7053
2) Chiaki Ainsworth 080-5177-1051


22nd mountain trekking
Ruka on 12/10/2008 at 3:27pm (UTC)
 第22回 グローバルファミリー・トレッキング (GFT)のご案内です。This is the invitation for the 22nd "Global Family Trekking"(GFT).添付のPDFファイルのご案内をご覧ください。(日本語版と英語版があります)Please see the attached PDF file. English and Japanese version is attached.12月23日(火:天皇誕生日)、第22回目となるグローバルファミリー・トレッキングを開催します。場所は箱根山(駒ケ岳~神山)を予定しています。12月こそ山歩きの季節です! We hold the 22nd "GFT" on December. 23 (Tuesday:Holiday) at Mt.HakoneKomagatake, Kamiyama in Hakone, Kanagawa. Let us enjoy Let’s enjoy thebeautiful landscape of Fuji. 皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。参加のご希望はお早めにお願いします。(申込用紙のエクセルファイルも添付してありますのでご記入のうえ、お申込ください。)We are looking forward to get your reply. Application Sheet is alsoavailable with attached excel file. -- 地球村山歩会(Chikyumura Sanpokai) 島田Shimada

Christmas Party2008
Ruka on 12/09/2008 at 7:47am (UTC)
 Hi every one,
As the year cruises to an end there are festivities calore too. One most vivid festival before New year is the Christmas.

On November 30th, MCF in conjuction with (YFWP) Youth federation for world peace had a very friendly and interactive Christmas party. As would expect, about fifty youth in their early to late tweenties from YFWP and tweenty to thirty parents and their children from MCF celebrated an early Christmas.

One of our objectives was to introduce to the Japanese youth the true Christmas culture as celebrated in the west and to give them an opportunity to experience and intermingle with our international community.

We decorated the Christmas tree and room together, had ice breaking game, nice meals,
Christmas songs,nice christmas carols on violin and flute by an eight and ten year old siblins, Ruka's magic,and 50 quizzes game for white elephants. And finally, a very great Christmas message by Mr.Ishimaru.

I think every one had fun especially, the young members from Youth federation were very happy

It was fun for all and we are encouraged to organize more similar activities in the future because Japanese people need to know how other people from different countries think, eat, behave and enjoy.

1st general meeting report
ruka on 08/25/2008 at 11:29am (UTC)
  Thanks to Chiaki and all the 14 participants that came to mcfsc fisrt general meeting

It was a successful meeting. We were able to do all the ground work necessary for the registration of the (NPO)

We are hoping to complate the registration soon




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